Saturday, June 13, 2015

Management Theory at Work in Radio

I have copied the text below from a post by Will Pollard for LinkedIn. It seems clear enough. I still think there should be more about virtual worlds, especially as a studio for linking video. But if people in Exeter want to try out casual video in a social situation it may be worth a try. The tickets are with Will - @will789gb - and there are 20 available now. 20 more held back till July in case some visiting speakers turn up. It looks like the theory in practice will break down as theory on YouTube clips, practice as radio sound with short bits of video later.
On August 12th at the BikeShed Theatre in Exeter there will be a one day version of the Management Theory at Work conference with a focus on the current situation in radio. #mtw3 has continued online the issues from the first two conferences in Lancaster over a decade ago. Issues around the learning company and leadership are relevant for radio organisations considering a move online towardsd social media and video. Most of the content will be based on existing YouTube clips with an aim to create better linking clips for a future playlist. The event is free because recording will be a priority. The event is part of Dark Times, a fortnight or perfomances from Phonic FM at a time when the theatre would otherwise be closed. 

There will be discussion in the bar between 12 and 6, followed by presentations in the theatre and a performance by the Stand Up Philosopher. This will reflect the debate around values and the relevance of universities and business schools.The first part of the day will assume some sort of validity for practice with examples of social media around sound and video. If this is in the wrong order anyone can rearrange it online or skip to another conclusion.

Cases will, include Phonic FM and Access All Aerials. There will definitely be people doing shows with possible contributions by people working on policy. The theory will consider how learning happens at a policy level and how far networks spread innovation over more than one site.

There will be the best possible information on what is possible through Apple and YouTube on funding and distributing content as sound and/or video. Things are changing wo this may involve some speculation. There will be implications for radio and conferences.

Searching online with "mtw3" will find more information and background.
There are twenty places available now. More will be available in July depending on how things works out. 


Outline of the main sections for discussion. there are already clips on YouTube. Timings and deatail depends on who is there on the day. 

1. The talk by John Burgoyne is a sort of keynote. It is on YouTube as a complete hour or in several topics. 

2. Design Science could be a theory to link learning and management. Diana Laurillard
has written on teaching as a design science. There has also been discussion in the
British Journal of Management. 

Antony Upward spoke at Hamburg University in December 2014. A section on Design Science has been edited for YouTube. 

If time allows there could be discussion on quality assurance and online learning. This would follow quite quickly if there was more shared understanding of what Design Science is about in different situations.

3. At the time of the second Management Theory at Work conference Bronwen Rees
was based at Crucible Research, offering a form of alchemy. She is now at Incubatio,
there are links to articles on the website, including one about ethical enquiry. I don't
think she could be at the event but we could trace papers over recent years, several
open online.

Bronwen Rees has interviewed Rich Fernandez from Google for Interconnections.
There is a PDF available online. Several YouTube clips with Rich Fernandez also
it may be possible to arrange a video link with Bronwen Rees

4. Radio as case study is a link with Phonic FM and others, some are online only
already. There has been an announcement about Apple Radio though few details about how it will work out in the UK. there is speculation about subscriptions for YouTube and others. Will the "ad - free" option include non-music content?

5. The first Management Theory at Work closed with a look at relevance for universities, suggesting that critique was a more suitable role. In July there will be a meeting about
the website intended for feedback and possible
changes. This could be seen as a quality process if quality ideas were within a critique scope. Possibly some form of design science would be considered.

6. The video clip on publishing has had by far the most views on YouTube. Any
conference concludes with looking at what to do with the papers/ text as well as now the sound and video. Print publishing is not changing as fast as music and radio but similar issues crop up.

The discussion during the afternoon can be edited down to presentations between 6 and 8 in the theatre beforee the Stand Up Philosopher.

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