Friday, December 16, 2011

Checking out YouTube for CMS and Dynamic Capability #mtw3

I have been thinking about the social media phases of #mtw3 , both round about now and possibilities with a bit more production during or after the face-to-face. YouTube is interesting as public space. Apparently it is in the top five search engines as in where most people go.

But it is not reflecting what the #mtw3 interests seem to be. Searching on "Critical Management Studies" (CMS) finds one major result.

habitat62 has also loaded another prize event for the Dark Side.

So CMS is on YouTube but there are no comments so far and not much else relevant that crops up alongside.

The Tent City University approach is much easier to access.

It links immediately to lots of other stuff in lots of other places.

Here also is some BBC balance

so Tent City connects with a wider public.

Similarly a search on Dynamic Capabilities finds only one suitable result

It turns out to include a significant proportion on the benefits of courses at Cranfield. YouTube works best with conversation so this may develop if related videos are posted.

"Learning Organisation" still gets loads of results. Peter Senge is around no 20, behind  Jack Welch.

So it could be that practitioners or the people who use YouTube are still with ideas from the first MTW. The academics have taken a turn or two but they are not widely followed.

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